In order to drive down CO2 output, the government is encouraging organisations, which includes almost all UK council groups, to develop energy management strategies.
Under the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme, this involves monitoring energy usage and reporting annually, enabling the government to calculate CO2 emissions. Organisations then pay a tax for every tonne of CO2 emitted, which is currently charged at £12 pmt, but rising gradually to £30 pmt by 2020. The UK government is expecting CRC to deliver CO2 savings of 21 million tonnes by 2027.
Proactive councils are already reporting year on year CO2 reduction through measures such as lighting controls and thermostatic radiator valves in office buildings.
Pool covers offer an obvious energy saving solution but are sometimes overlooked, possibly due to the capital investment cost. However, it seems illogical that any pool should remain uncovered at night, given the pressures we all face to reduce energy costs on a daily basis. If capital outlay is a concern, then Heatsavr, the original liquid pool cover, offers an ideal solution.
Heatsavr is currently saving UK commercial facilities upwards of 20,000 tonnes of CO2 per annum and continues to be a genuine energy saving solution, offering a significant contribution towards the CRC scheme.
With a quick payback period, normally of less than six months, and an automatic dosing system to ensure daily application, Heatsavr can be relied upon to deliver CO2 savings with minimal intervention from the Pool Manager.

Wrexham Waterworld has been closely monitoring their energy consumption for several years and through the use of Heatsavr, has recorded an annual reduction in electricity consumption of 153,000 kwh, equivalent to almost 83mt of CO2, a saving in carbon tax of £1000. Daventry Leisure Centre has also saved a considerable 452,556kwh on gas consumption by installing Heatsavr in their pool during 2011, equivalent to 83mt of CO2.
Not only does Heatsavr contain heat and water within the pool through its monomolecular layer, but it also enables the Pool Manager to turn down the air handling unit at night, thereby offering considerable energy savings on dehumidification. Heatsavr continues to work during the day, even with bathers present, making it the perfect choice for hotel and leisure clubs, who are obliged to keep their pools open from early morning until late evening.
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