Improving the environmental burden of spas…
Sunbeach Spas are actively promoting a ‘buy from the inside, out’ philosophy; encouraging customers to look past the shiny, gleaming exterior and think about longevity as well as the total cost of ownership.
The team believe their Sunbeach and Oasis brands are eco warriors; bringing not only the quality and desirability but also peace of mind and a lower financial and environmental burden throughout the lifetime of the spa.
Wayne Green explains: “When we signed the UK exclusivity contract with Oasis Spas, we did so not just because of their reputation for building world class hot tubs, but because they shared our philosophy to keep down the total cost of ownership of hot tubs, and the significant proportion of running costs goes on keeping the water at the right temperature.”
The Oasis RX range, starting at £6,995 RRP, offers a top-flight insulation system, as standard, in hot tubs at the more affordable end of the market. The Thermo Lock R18+ system is a multi-part system designed to insulate every part of the hot tub body. The American Lucite acrylic-based shell is believed to be the thickest on the market, adding to the improved performance of the spa cover. The real star of the show is the soft, open cell PE foam which fills the space around the shell up to a depth of 300mm.
“The foam provides a superb level of heat retention in the void of the spa cabinet,” says Wayne. “The full foam approach also has the added advantage of keeping all the pipework perfectly static during transit and adds a significant amount of structural support to the pipework infrastructure, reducing the possibility of leaks throughout the life of the spa,” he emphasises.
“There are dire warnings about household bills sky-rocketing once the energy price caps increase,” Wayne continues. “There has never been a better time to utilise the energy efficient capabilities of the Oasis spa range as a direct selling tool to the financially wary or environmentally concerned customer.
And he adds: “Our recent Gold Standard award win in the Energy Efficiency category at the UK Pool and Spa Awards has spurred us on to make bigger and better energy efficiencies in this range of spas, all in the same price bracket – look out for our big announcements later in the year.”
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