Fresh Approach For Hot Tub Living Expo

Hot Tub Living Expo visitors will have their first UK opportunity to see debut products from leading spa brands.
Hot Tub Living Expo visitors will have their first UK opportunity to see debut products from leading spa brands.

It is not only the name change that is going to be fresh and exciting for the upcoming October Hot Tub Living Expo.

The team behind the show want to welcome everyone involved in the delivery of the hot tub sector to meet and network and plan for the launch of the 2017 sales in top gear.

A major new initiative this year is a fully-functioning retail showroom, put together In partnership with exhibitors, within the show.

“The Live Industry Superstore will be fully staffed and will showcase the very latest layouts and point of sale products and accessories,” explains Claire Saunders, of New Events, the organisers of the show. “We will be inviting exhibitors to be part of this Live Superstore that aims to reccreate the ultimate hot tub shopping experience,” she says.

“Attendees will also have the opportunity to purchase products directly from the store,” Claire adds.



The Hot Tub Living Expo will deliver a series of lively debates and discussions on the hot tub sector.
The Hot Tub Living Expo will deliver a series of lively debates and discussions on the hot tub sector.

Another new feature, the Hot Tub Living Marketplace offers a great opportunity for those companies that do not require an individual stand at the show.

Claire explains: “Perhaps you’re a new start up company, maybe you are unable to dedicate staff resources or simply just want to try the new event without a large outlay.  “An open plan concept will provide each participant with a display space of either a podium, counter, showcase or similar together with display for literature.”

Attendees will be able to engage with suppliers and experts on how to make the most of your showroom space, learn the tips and tricks on what encourages the consumer to purchase, how to upsell, what environment will keep your consumers in the showroom, what will encourage them to keep coming back to you.

The introduction of an Exclusive VIP Preview Evening on Sunday October 23 provides an opportunity for a selection of carefully picked companies and individuals, to view the show. The Preview Evening will incorporate hospitality, networking and drinks receptions, getting everyone ready for the busy two days to follow.

When the show proper opens on Monday October 24 and continues through Tuesday October 25, visitors will have their first UK opportunity to see debut products from leading brands such as Vita Spas, Wellis, Spa Solutions, O-Care, Aqua Warehouse, Passion Spas, Doughboy, Superior Spas and many more world class brands.



If you are interested in becoming a dealer, are a retailer, architect, leisure facility, holiday park or end user there is something for you, industry experts onsite are available to offer help and advice.

For existing dealers, the event offers ideas and solutions to improve and enhance your 2017 sales performance.

With all of these new features Event Director Claire Saunders comments: “This event will offer something for everyone involved in the wet leisure industry – from the UK and further afield.  If you are thinking of exhibiting we have a solution to suit all budgets with additional sponsorship opportunities and the lowest pricing ever for an event in this sector.”

Switched on visitors will be able to plan a two-day visit taking in the UK Pool and Spa Awards that take place on the Monday evening at the nearby Vox Conference Centre part of the World Resort complex which includes hotel, casino and multi-plex cinema as well as retail and restaurant options.


New Events

Tel. +44 1428 609 382
