Hot Tubs Are A Garden Nuisance

Hot Tubs, , Garden Nuisance, BBC, Gardeners’ World, spas, garden spas, portable spas, BISHTA, water leisure, Jacuzzi, Master Spas, Artesian, HotSpring, Hydropool, Arctic Spas,
Garden spas are getting a bad Press thanks to a BBC Gardener's World magazine survey.

Back garden hot tubs have been named for the first time among the top 10 causes of ‘garden rage’ in an annual survey BBC’s Gardeners’ World magazine.

When 800 readers were asked what annoyed them most in the garden, the hot tub with its ‘perpetual bubbling noise’ and noisy late night parties, were mentioned for the first time.

As well as their perpetual running noises, the survey found, hot tub owners also are accused of being excessively noisy while taking a dip with tendency for noisy late-night parties.

Hot tubs found themselves in the company of children, power tools, house alarms, cats and barbecue smoke – to name but a few irritations. Lucy Hall, the editor of Gardener’s World, said modern technology seemed to be adding to the disturbance of peace in the garden.

“We all lead such busy lives that our gardens are more important than ever as a place of calm and relaxation,” she said. “Modern life often breaks that sense of peace but with a few well-chosen plants and features, anyone can create the haven they want. The key to success is choosing the right sort of screening to block prying eyes, unwanted noises and even strident smells.”

Educated sources put the number of hot tubs in the UK at 60,000 rather than the 100,000 widely quoted. As a leading spa supplier commented on the report: “There is no such thing as a bad dog – just bad dog owners; the same applies to hot tubs.”