Spa Star: Gerrod Warner

Pool&Spa0613-001Gerrod Warner was named Spa Technician of the Year at the 2016 UK Pool & Spa Awards. As Head Technician at Spafix Services, Gerrod was nominated by his colleagues for his hard work, dedication and passion for the job. His outstanding product knowledge and skillset has led to him being known as the ‘hot tub oracle’ within the Spafix office.

How long have you been in the industry?

I started in the spa industry back in 1998 assembling plumbing parts for hot tubs in a factory. Having been a marine engineer previously, I was familiar working with water and electrics, so it was a fairly smooth transition for me. I later joined Spafix in January 2013 as an engineer.

What does your role at Spafix involve?

As well as looking after my own customers, I also oversee a team of seven hot tub engineers – offering advice and assistance where needed. We try to solve the majority of problems over the phone, but we also attend call-outs all over the South East.

What problems do you come across most frequently?

At the moment we’re seeing a lot of fl ow errors, but it varies depending on the time of the year. Replacing heaters and leaks are also common problems.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I get a great deal of satisfaction in resurrecting old hot tubs that have been neglected and bringing them back to life. My job has also enabled me to meet lots of different people and to travel all over Europe and even to Canada, which are real highlights.

What’s been your most interesting experience in the industry?

One of the strangest jobs we did was delivering a hot tub to a block of fl ats in Birmingham. The customer wanted it installed in the living room of his one-bedroom fi rst fl oor fl at so we used a portable forklift to manoeuvre it through the balcony doors. That particular jobs sticks in my mind!

What are your hobbies outside of work?

I’m a keen Star Wars fan, as most of my work mates will tell you!

What’s the best piece of advice you have been given? And by whom?

“Give everything you do 100 per cent effort. As long as you do your best, no one can ask any more of you.” That advice was given to me by my family and it’s something I try to stick by.

Last word?

I’d like to wish the industry a happy, healthy and successful 2017.