reported strange holes in the floor of the changing
rooms covered up with black duct tape
Hundreds of people have signed an online petition urging the council to take action over the poor state of Reading’s swimming pools.
The petition now has over 600 signatures and a Facebook page called Better Swimming Facilities for Reading – has almost 400 likes.
Campaign organiser Clare Newman said: “The general feeling is that the pools in Reading are unkempt, dirty, unhygienic and the temperature of the pool water too cold for most. People are particularly disappointed with Rivermead as it is a ‘fun pool’ as opposed to a traditional swimming pool, yet many of the facilities including the water chute and wave machine are never working.”
Clare continues: “I started the petition back in February in response to several comments over the course of a few weeks asking for recommendations of nice swimming pools in Reading. Out of almost 30 responses, no one recommended a pool in the borough.”
In a statement to the Reading Post, council spokesman Oscar Mortali said: “The council is fully aware there are a number of issues which need addressing at pools in the borough, with some facilities dated and increasingly difficult to look after. We are actively looking at how we might improve buildings and facilities, including options for investment in discussion with Sport England.”