A former Olympian and Commonwealth swimmer has launched a brand new swim school in Darlington, Country Durham. Double Commonwealth champion and British record holder Chris Cook, opened the Swim Buddies academy in September, after identifying a lack of swimming opportunities for children in the North East. Based at the Education Village, Swim Buddies caters for all children at every level from the ages of four up to 11.
Over 40 places were filled at the swim school within just a week of its launch. Swim Buddies director Chris Cook comments: “We really hope to sprinkle a little magic into our swimming lessons at Swim Buddies. We’ve got four fantastic teachers who are all keen to nurture the children’s swimming skills in a safe and, most importantly, enjoyable environment.” Chris, who has been a qualified swimming teacher since the age of 16, had always hoped to return to teaching after retiring from international swimming in 2009. “Inspiring the next generation of swimmers is something that I’m passionate about. Response to Swim Buddies has so far been very positive and, if all goes well, we hope to expand into other regions in the future.”
Swim Buddies
Tel. +44 (0)7948 548038