ISPE Pays Posthumous Tribute

Institute president Howard Gosling handed over the reins of presidential office to Allen Wilson.

The Institute of Swimming Pool Engineers has paid a posthumous tribute to one of its stalwart members, Ray Burt, who passed away earlier this year.

A popular industry personality, Ray tirelessly contributed to the ISPE filtration workshops and gave numerous presentations at Institute seminars including the SPATEX exhibition.

In memory of his outstanding contribution, Ray has been awarded the Selwyn Mindel Award for performance and achievement – a tribute that is only presented from time to time to individuals for outstanding service to the Institute; to those who have gone that extra mile.

Speaking at the recent Institute annual general meeting, newly elected ISPE president Allen Wilson said of Ray: “Nothing was too much trouble for Ray and he gave his time willingly for the Institute on so many occasions.

“His cheerful disposition will never be forgotten. The Institute Council wanted to acknowledge Ray’s contribution to the Institute over the years, and it is fitting that he should be remembered in this way.”

The Institute’s 105th one-day seminar took place in Hemel Hempstead in October, which included the 33rd AGM. The meeting saw Institute president Howard Gosling hand over the reins of presidential office to Allen Wilson, who will serve as president for two years.

Three new council members were elected to serve as directors on the Institute’s Council of Management: Colin Day MISPE, Colin Jenkinson MISPE and Mike Shuff MISPE.

Looking to the future, the Institute confirmed that future filtration workshops will be co-ordinated by council member Chris Carr, along with experienced engineer Phil Barlow.

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