Every pool and spa professional is being urged to take a few minutes to share their views in the second annual State of the Wet Leisure Industry survey. Now in its second year, the online study is being sponsored by Golden Coast, in association with the British Swimming Pool Federation (BSPF). Results from the benchmark research, which will be announced at SPATEX 2013, will be made available to every company working in the water leisure sector. Golden Coast Managing Director Jamie Adams explains: “The purpose of the survey is simple; other industries and markets have facts, figures and statistics that are available to all and they help people make better decisions and grow better businesses. We should be the same.” Responding to the needs of the industry, the depth of the study has been increased to provide for a more detailed picture of the sector, while the time it takes to take part has been reduced to less than 5 minutes. As both a wet leisure company and member of the BSPF, Golden Coast believes that participation in research of this kind will be the driver for industry growth. Jamie continues: “The more businesses that engage, the more accurate a picture we will have of our industry – allowing companies to make better plans for next year. “It raises some important issues for companies, such as how and why you might diversify in the months ahead. By informing the industry of what is happening, businesses are best placed to achieve better outcomes.”
To take part, simply visit www.wetleisure. co/survey before mid-January. Importantly, all responses are anonymous.