Own Brand Is Route To Chemical Success

Water Treatment Products is expanding its own-brand opportunities for individual trade customers.

By-passing internet competition and cut-throat pricing in one easy manoeuvre, own-brand labels are becoming an attractive and realistic proposition for swimming pool and spa retailers.

Water Treatment Products has invested heavily at its Welsh headquarters to strengthen its in-house, own label capabilities as it prepares to expand its bespoke supply opportunities for individual trade customers.

“Own brand chemistries enable the swimming pool and spa retailer to differentiate and protect their sales as they have created their own label, promoting their business and protecting their sales,” explains James Lee, managing director of WTP’s water leisure division.

“Never again will the consumer walk into the shop, see product on the shelf and then ‘Google’ to find the same product but at a cheaper price on the internet,” he adds. Working in partnership with WTP ensures own brand suppliers clear a number of logistical hurdles including both legal and safety compliance.

Water Treatment Products
Tel. +44 (0)1495 792790

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