Although this summer has been the coolest for some 18 years, Woodgreen Leisure Centre’s open air pool in Oxfordshire, attracted over 19,000 customers – 2000 more visits this season than last. The busiest day was July 28 when almost 1,000 people used the pool.
Cherwell District Council’s portfolio holder for environment, Cllr James Macnamara, said: “It’s been another successful year for the open air pool – even though we haven’t had the best of summers. Now we can look forward to next season. And I’m sure Woodgreen will be ready next summer to attract many more swimmers inspired by the London Olympics.”
Highlights at Woodgreen this year included a triathlon in May that attracted around 300 participants, the return of the Cherwell Canoe, Banbury Swimming and Banbury Water Polo clubs and visits from swimming clubs from outside the district.
The pool was used to enhance the Cherwell summer holiday ‘hub’ programme of activities based at the North Oxfordshire Academy and hosted an Olympic One Year Countdown open morning.