Thermapool, the swimming pool insulation company,
earned itself a place in the finals of the recent
Hertfordshire Green Awards, alongside major
international companies.
Thermapool was short-listed in two categories, for
the Best Environmental Project of the Year and Green
Innovation for a project involving a Surrey school.
The school saw a reduction in the cost of heating their
12m x 6m x 1.2m pool from ÂŁ5,000 to ÂŁ300, while the
pool remained at a comfortable 29°C.
“At that point the school was running the heating
every night of the week on Economy 7,” comments
Thermapool’s Nigel Rose.
“Since then there have been even more energy savings
– this year they decided to try dropping the heating
down to only two nights a week, and found the pool
still remained at 29°C. It’s anticipated the entire season’s
heating bill will come to less than £150,” says Nigel.
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