Country Leisure, specialist designers and manufacturers of fibreglass fittings such as pool steps, slides and diving boards, has
opened an additional 6,000-square foot factory to help cope with increasing demand.
The £330,000 factory in Salisbury, Wiltshire, will serve both Country Leisure and its sister company, Loyal Grove Leisure, based in Staffordshire.
Half the cost of the factory was paid for by the former Government scheme the Regional Development Plan for England (now Defra RDPE). The expansion has seen the creation of ten new jobs to add to the existing 40-strong workforce.
Managing director Malcolm Brown said the company, founded 26 years ago, was expanding rapidly and needed bigger premises to
avoid having to relocate.
“Our sales have increased by 33 per cent compared with the last three years, and look to continue that way during the next six to nine months,” he said.
“The Business Plan for 2012/2013 reflects on some of the previous success stories but also builds a vision for 2012 and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead,” Malcolm adds.
“I am very confident that we are going to have another busy year judging by the current order book and the level of enquiries.”
Current overseas contracts included Belgium, France, Spain, Ireland, Norway, Germany and Australia.
The Country Leisure range includes water slides, flumes, aquaslides and multislides in addition to water features, rapids,
safety rails and creative animal pool toys.
The company also offers various swimming pool mouldings such as diving boards, slides, roman end steps and many other type of steps.
Country Leisure
Tel. +44 (0)1980 629 555