Hot Tubs Are The Hot Topic

An excellent hands-on day the workshop is ideal for those new to the trade or even more experienced fitters.
An excellent hands-on day the workshop is ideal for those new to the trade or even more experienced fitters.

Recently, a well-known, learned member reported that he had received a complaint that ‘the ISPE wasn’t interested in spas and hot tubs and the ISPE had nothing to do with these products’.

“This is not the case,” advises Ross Alcock, ISPE general manager. “Spas and hot tubs have long been an important focus for the ISPE and it is an area which the organisation is looking to expand on in the future.”

In the last two years the ISPE has presented a whole one-day seminar on all aspects of domestic and commercial spas and also repeated aspects of this seminar at a spa-themed day of ISPE workshops at SPATEX 2015. The topic was also included in the ISPE workshop programme at SPATEX 2016, one of which was directly aimed at those servicing domestic spas.

Allen Wilson FISPE comments: “The ISPE endorsed courses that I provide are all entitled Pool & Spa Plant Operators courses, unless the customer specifies site specific training which means on occasions they are entitled ‘Spa Plant Operators’ course or ‘Pool Plant Operators’ course.

“In addition my Legionnaires’ awareness seminar, again, is probably more relevant to the spa industry.”

Looking ahead, the next season of ISPE one day seminars will begin on Tuesday October 18, 2016, near Hemel Hempstead. The programme will include sessions on ‘Water testing – what to do if it all goes wrong’, ‘Protective maintenance of plant and equipment’ and ‘How to look after your floats and woggles’.

The following seminar will take place in Clevedon, near Bristol on Thursday December 1, and will look at the new ‘European Standards for Domestic and Commercial Pools’, ‘CDM2015’ and ‘Filtration’.  The next ISPE filtration workshop is scheduled for autumn. An excellent hands-on day the workshop is ideal for those new to the trade or even more experienced fitters.  Further details of both Autumn seminars and the filtration workshop will be available later in the year.