The annual ISPE Awards were presented this autumn with two long-serving ISPE members made Fellows of the Institute. ISPE President Jimmy Lamb, FISPE, congratulated ISPE Vice-President Bob Judd, FISPE, and ISPE-Endorsed PPO Training Provider and Council member, Colin Jenkinson.
FISPE. Jimmy then handed ISPE Technician certificates to those who passed their ISPE Exams back in March. The Gartside Cup, for the Student of the Year, is presented to the student who achieved the highest overall marks in the examinations and the winner was Kieran Cormell, TnISPE(Cert.), from Rockingham Pools.
The Peter Horne Cup is awarded either for a Technical Paper, or Seminar presentation on the subject of Chemicals or Water Treatment, or to the student that submits the best Chemicals exam paper. This year it was awarded to Harvey Hume, from Clearwater Marine Group, for an excellent chemicals examination paper.
The Jim Johnson Filtration Shield is awarded either for a Technical Paper, or Seminar presentation on the subject of Filtration, and Jimmy was delighted to present the Jim Johnson Filtration Shield to Kieran Cormell, his second success of the day!