ISPE Launch Seminar Season

Two one-day ISPE seminars are planned for this autumn and winter, offering training and education on key industry topics.
Two one-day ISPE seminars are planned for this autumn and winter, offering training and education on key industry topics.

The Institute is now at the start of what used to be the quieter season and October also sees the start of the ISPE autumn and winter seminars.

The 113th ISPE One-Day Seminar on Tuesday October 18, sees the Institute back at the Watermill Hotel near Hemel Hempstead. It will feature a presentation from Ian Betts FISPE on ‘The New Euro-Standards for Domestic Swimming Pools,’ which will explain how they affect pool engineers. We will also be looking at ‘Protective Maintenance of Plant and Equipment’ together with ‘CDM (Construction Design and Maintenance) 2015 Regulations’.

This seminar will also include the ISPE AGM and the 2016 awards, where technician certificates are presented to those who recently passed their Level One ISPE exams. In addition, we will be presenting the Gartside Cup for Student of the Year, to the student who achieved the highest overall mark, and the Jim Johnson Filtration Shield for the best Filtration exam paper. There may also be one or two surprise presentations!

Later in the day, Allen Wilson, FISPE will be talking about ‘How to keep your floats and woggles clean’ and for those who have never seen one of Allen’s presentations, this should not be missed! All ISPE seminars provide plenty of opportunity for the exchange of views, ideas, suggestions and, whatever the question, we can usually find an answer.

Thursday December 1 should also be noted in your diaries, as the 114th ISPE One-Day Seminar in Clevedon, on the coast in North Somerset. This proved to be an excellent venue in 2015 and we can reveal that there will be an excellent presentation looking at ‘Water Testing – what to do if it all goes wrong’.

No doubt, by way of an example, there will be mention of the green pool seen at the Rio Olympics!
We are delighted to be able to include a presentation on various legal aspects affecting pool engineers, from International Law firm, Irwin Mitchell LLP and ISPE President John Cheek, FISPE will cover the CDM 2015 Regulations here too.

There will be an update at both seminars of the industry-wide free-to-attend CPD training sessions and Allen Wilson will also feature during the day.

Seminar programmes are sent to all ISPE members and students but are available to download from the Diary Dates section of the ISPE website and non-members are made very welcome. So we can arrange catering and delegate packs for everyone, all seminar bookings should be on one of the official booking forms.