Now that a ‘roadmap’ has been announced of how the lockdown will be easing, many people will be wanting to catch up on their training and education, as for many, most live face-to-face training stopped in March 2020.
As soon as possible, the ISPE will be announcing details of the seminars to be held in the Autumn/Winter of 2021 but meanwhile, new events are being planned — subject to everything going to plan with the lockdown release and face-to-face training being permissible.
Reservations are now being taken for two ISPE events:
The ISPE Back-to-Basics/Revision Seminar – this will take place, at a central venue, probably near Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, in (hopefully) September, a couple of weeks or so before the rescheduled ISPE Exams and is free of charge for all ISPE Students (all other ISPE members and non-members are welcome too for a small charge of £25 and £30 respectively).
Each of the four ISPE Tutors will be present to guide delegates through some typical exam questions looking at how marks may be won or lost with examples of good and not so good answers. There are refresher sessions on each of the four subjects (Heating, Chemicals, Filtration and Construction) and questions are positively encouraged. The seminar starts at 9.30 and will be concluded by about 3.00 pm (and there is no test to sit on the day). Light refreshments are provided and all delegates receive a CPD certificate worth four CPD points. (This seminar will take place on-line if any restrictions prevent a live event.)
The ISPE Hands-On Filtration Workshop – this will take place, probably in November, and in recent years has been held at Plastipack’s premises at St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, courtesy of Peter Adlington, FISPE (and we hope to confirm this venue again nearer the time). This workshop is open to all ISPE students, members and non-members (£60 for ISPE members – all categories and £80 for non-members). The workshop is run by (ISPE past-President) Chris Carr, FISPE and (current ISPE President) Phil Barlow, FISPE, with assistance from ISPE Council member, Kim Mumford, MISPE and gives practical instruction on filter stripdown and re-building, pipe fitting, pump stripdown and re-building and in addition there are theory sessions covering pipework installation and sizing, sizing a pump, filter and pipework for a domestic pool, installation and servicing tips, and sizing equipment for commercial pools. Again, there is ample opportunity for discussion and questions and light refreshments are provided. The day starts with a health & safety briefing at 9.00 am and concludes after a mini- exam on the day’s activities at around 4.30 pm. CPD certificates indicating six points are provided to all delegates. To register your interest in both events please contact the ISPE office (ross@ispe.co.uk) and as soon as dates and venues are confirmed, we will contact all those on the list to check their availability. Those who are unable to attend may be placed on the waiting list for the next event. We will not issue invoices until the dates and places are confirmed and if events are postponed after payment is received, full refunds will be given.
One-Day Seminars
It is hoped that having missed the last year, the ISPE will be able to present another full One-Day technical Seminar or two in the Autumn and/or Winter 2021/22. If there are any particular topics you would like to see included, or if you would like to give a generic, technical presentation, do please let us know and remember, the ISPE seminars are open to everyone, for the benefit of both members and non-members.
For details of the ISPE CPD scheme, publications, the ISPE Home Study Course or Membership please see the ISPE website or contact us on the details below.
The Institute of Swimming Pool Engineers
01603 499959