The rationale behind PWTAG’s Industry Forum is simple. We wanted to enhance our work through technical input from the pool industry – also to encourage the industry to feel is it has an active role in our work, and thus an investment in its outcomes.
That’s why, two years ago, PWTAG invited about 20 key players in the pool industry to a meeting in London. There was general agreement that an online forum was a good idea and a commitment to support it financially.
We invite companies in the pool industry who support our standards and guidelines to apply to join the forum. So far we have signed up 16 members. Membership entitles companies to have a say in formulating and reviewing the publications, technical notes and code of practice that PWTAG produce.
This reflects the value we put on the expertise represented by commercial interests. It is a way of ensuring that our guidelines properly reflect the realities in the pool industry. So far the Forum has dealt with technical notes on UV standards and balance tank design, both of which are published on the website.
There is work to be done on reviewing our Code of Practice, in particular tying it in to HSE guidance on managing pools and spas, itself currently being revised. Another major task is updating PWTAG’s authoritative book of standards, recommendations and guidelines, Swimming Pool Water: treatment and quality standards for pools and spas.
Its 26 chapters have been initially reviewed by chapter managers and their work has gone to industry forum members for their input – which will be posted on the forum section of the website. Another forum meeting in July will be looking at outstanding issues.
The Forum operates through a dedicated section of our website, That’s where technical drafts and consultation documents are placed, for member input. Forum members are listed there and they are encouraged to publicise the fact that they are members.
The membership fee is £500 a year. Membership so far consists of ATG, Barr & Wray, Dryden Aqua, Fountain Works, FT Leisure, Hanovia, Hydrospec, JAK, Jetform, Latis Scientific, Palintest, Pollet, Prominent, Tintometer, Triogen and Ustigate. If you are interested in joining the industry forum, contact PWTAG