Potential For Sauna Business Growth

Golden Coast believe there has never been a better time to add sauna to your product portfolio.

Figures from Golden Coast and its sauna partner Tylö make interesting reading for any company thinking of joining them in the sauna market. The typical gross profit on a sauna sale is 40% and customers usually pay between £2,500 and £25,000 for an installation. Golden Coast’s research also highlights the fact that increasing numbers of sauna installations have been accompanied by growth in add-on business through consumables, servicing, repairs and retrofit products.

“While we are particularly noticing fast growth at the top end of the sauna market, there is also increasing awareness that fitting a relatively small sauna is not expensive and is within reach of many more households,” comments Golden Coast’s managing director, Jamie Adams. “Adding a sauna to a bathroom or wet room area, or setting it up in the garden, is no longer unusual,” he adds. “There’s no reason why we shouldn’t follow the example of a country like Finland, where saunas are as numerous as cars; more than two million of them, serving a population of just 5.4 million.” A very convincing case for taking advantage of the business opportunity presented by saunas is given in Golden Coast’s e-book, downloadable free of charge from goldenc.co, which sets out the advantages along with the practical steps needed to succeed.

Golden Coast
Tel. +44 (0)1271 378100