At its recent agm, PWTAG elected a new chair and vice-chair, decided to look for a chief executive and set out on a path they hope will increase their effectiveness and influence. The new chair is Colin Day who represents the Institute of Swimming Pool Engineers, the vice chair Ian Ogilvie of the Institute of […]
Janice Calvert
‘Is it true that if you pee in a pool on the continent the water turns purple around you?’ That was just one of the questions asked of PWTAG on the radio last month. PWTAG chair Janice Calvert, getting towards the end of her dozen interviews on national and local radio that morning, was able […]
Three decades on from its inception, Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group (PWTAG) is making some important organisational changes. The election of Janice Calvert as Chair and Ralph Riley as Vice Chair at the recent AGM signalled a new emphasis on boosting membership and increasing the independent organisation’s influence in the pool sector. One key to […]