THIS YEAR’S PWTAG conference will focus on the many changes facing future water leisure provision. Pic. Aquadrolics

This year’s PWTAG conference offers a unique opportunity to consider how our swimming pools might move on in the 21st century. The importance of pools to the health of the population is undeniable – yet financial pressures can and do lead to closures and a loss of this important national asset.

What remedies can we offer? Future-proofing pools faces up to this question. The challenges include reducing energy consumption – on climate emergency as well as cost grounds, improving water quality, reducing reliance on chemicals while keeping bathers safe, and updating or replacing ageing pools.

Conference speakers will give a view of how these and other challenges are being addressed in the UK and elsewhere. Sessions will include what we might learn from technological changes in the drinking water industry, improvements in pump efficiency, changes in monitoring pool water quality and bather loads, reducing chemical disinfectant levels and how existing pools and plant have been revitalised for the future.

Full details of the conference programme will be on the PWTAG website, along with information on how to register as a participant or sponsor.

Some of the distinguished speakers have yet to be confirmed but here are a few headline titles (with some familiar, tempting names).
• Low disinfectant pool trial (Maarten Keuten, Delft University)
• Worldwide perspectives
• Pump efficiency (Grundfos)
• Turbidity minitoring (Michael Strahand, aka DoctorChlorine)
• Drinking water developments that could impact pools
• Interpretation of monitoring tests
• Future-proofing – healthy pools (Swim England)
• French Olympic pools (Myrtha Pools)
• US perspective (James Amburgey, North Carolina University)
• Revisiting the calculation of bather loads (Martin Woods)

Refreshments and sponsor stands open at 8.45. The conference hits the water at 9.30. There are mid-morning and afternoon breaks and a good hour for lunch. There will be opportunities throughout for informal conversations with the various experts attending the conference.

2024 is PWTAG’s 40th anniversary. A potted history will be distributed to conference delegates and there will be surprise presentations. The event closes at 4.30pm.

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Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group