Miles Hammond presents some latest pool lining styles… All swimming pools will require some kind of repair or renovation at some point in their lives which means a steady flow of crunch cash flow for core builders and restorers. Bag liner and tile-band finishes are probably one of the most subjective areas of pool building […]
pool building
With their roots in landscaping, the Bonsor brothers, Olly and Ben, made a natural progression into pool building encouraged and supported by experienced contacts. Significantly, they have been using SolidPool PROblocks for more than 12 years ago and are now championing their use to the wider UK pool trade. “Before we came across these speedy-fit, […]
Paramount Pool Products are eco champions… With a 20 year plus relationship with world leading Aquamatic and offering the Aquadeck slatted pool systems, you could say that Paramount Pool Products had their swimming pool customers well and truly covered. But, widely accepted that installing a heat retention cover is the single most effective means of […]
Buckingham Pools Managing Director, Paul Walton-Collett began his swimming pool building career in 1998 and now heads one of the most successful pool companies in the country. Quite a journey from his original music career when he ran his own recording studios… WHAT WAS YOUR INTRODUCTION TO THE POOL INDUSTRY? Joined Oxford Pools in 1998 […]
Aqua Platinum Projects celebrates its first decade in business with the title Pool Contractors Of The Year… Cutting his pool-building teeth with the family business, ten years ago Ryan Fronda took the giant leap of going independent; forming his own company, Aqua Platinum Projects. It has been a journey that has seen APP record sustained […]
Modern pool management is all about making processes as efficient and easy as possible. With this in mind, one of the most innovative products on the market is the GC PoolCop – a smart pool management system that remotely monitors every aspect of a pool. It consists of a Valve Data Unit that is installed […]
Lovibond® Tintometer has many testing options available to meet the needs of today’s pool water professional. With modern pool or spa water quality and safety essential, having a good testing protocol and an accurate testing system is equally essential. If you are not testing the levels of key parameters regularly using a recognised professional system […]
Knowledge is power when it comes to pool cover sales… From a modest back garden splash pool to an Olympic proportioned swimming zone – not covering a pool, when it is not in use, is tantamount to pouring liquid gold down the main drain. In today’s energy efficient times – a cardinal sin. Heat loss, […]
There are seven pool types in the Niveko pool portfolio – two skimmer variants and five overflow designs. The scope of the design options means that each pool can fulfil the wishes of its owner down to the finest detail. The Niveko range covers a diverse selection of pools, from the proven and simple Skimmer […]
An haute couture cover installation by OASE and Tanby Pools… Never giving up on the challenging geometric angled ends of this Tanby Pools project made the installation of an automatic slatted cover possible, against all the odds. After many designs, much testing and several prototypes, the forward thinking of OASE and the pure determination of […]