Call To Ban Children From UK Commercial Spas And Hot Tubs

A leading American politician is proposing a ban on the use of hot tubs and spas by children at hotels, health clubs, resorts, and other commercial establishments. The leader of the New Jersey Senate, Steve Sweeney, says the ban would apply to anyone under the age of 17. He has decided to sponsor legislation after talking to cardiologists who told him the water temperature in hot tubs is a heath risk for younger people. “Hot tubs normally run at 105 degrees and it’s just bad for children.

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Inventive Spirit Takes Plug And Play Spa To New Dimension

Taking the notion of plug and play spa to a whole new dimension, self-styled spa enthusiast and all-round clever guy, Ian Bowden has come up with a new style of mobile hot tub. An enterprising ‘Brit’ living mostly in Sweden and also in Spain, Ian began to explore the possibility of a portable spa pool […]

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Royal Seal Of Approval For Hydropool Team

The Hydropool UK team is celebrating record-breaking sales at a mammoth Ideal Home Show, topped off by a royal visit to their
prominent hot tub and swim spa stand by HRH Prince Charles – who officially opened this year’s event – officially the UK’s number
one consumer show.
Making his second visit to Ideal Home in concurrent years, the Prince of Wales met Hydropool UK’s managing director Jonathan
Bunn asking about the business; its products and its history as well as Jonathan’s opinion on the economic climate and future

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Best Of British

The eyes of the world will be on Britain this summer as the country celebrates a unique combination of events with the coinciding of
both the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the London Olympics.
The great British weather permitting; the summer of 2012 promises to be a ray of sunshine amid the recent years of
prevailing economic storm clouds.

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UK Hot Tub Industry Is Ticking Time Bomb

A leading hot tub equipment supplier has warned of the dangers of selling spa components directly to the general public, fearing the consequences including inevitable fatalities. Ray Desmond, the co-founder of Spa Euro, one of Europe’s leading trade suppliers, says the spa and hot tub industry is sitting on a ticking time bomb because of the lack of regulation.

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