Following the issuing of a joint press release fromĀ a number of water authorities regarding Hose Pipe Bans, it has become apparent that some of their facts are incorrect.
As a result, the British Swimming Pool FederationĀ isĀ in urgent talks with DEFRA to correct this error and ensure an updated message will be given out as soon as possible.
The BSPF acknowledges the issues being faced by a number of water authorities who are experiencing lower than average rainfall patterns for the last number of years. However the introduction of the temporary Water Use Ban (Hosepipe Ban) appears to have led some of the water authorities to suggesting that Hot Tubs are classified the same as swimming pools which is factually incorrect. To clarify this point, Hot Tubs are not affected by the Hosepipe Ban but swim spas are as they are considered to be swimming pools.
In terms of swimming pools, a pool under construction is not affected by the temporary water use ban however it is correct that existing domestic swimming pools cannot be topped up by a hosepipe. They can however be filled by a handheld device filled from a tap.
Note that although not covered in the legislation, swimming pool owners can buy water from companies that are permitted to transport it.
Until it has been possible to persuade the water authorities to amend their advice, it is important that the industry unites together and advise their customers accordingly.
Keep updated on the legislation as it develops using the following link: