At its annual ISPE Awards, ISPE President Colin Day, FISPE, congratulated four of this year’s successful exam candidates who are now ISPE ‘Certified Technicians’. He presented them each with their Technician certificate and ISPE lapel badge. The Gartside Cup for Student of the Year, the student achieving the highest total mark in their ISPE exams, was shared by two individuals who scored identical top marks.
One of them, Laura Turner, formerly from Alan Bettin Swimming Pools has, unfortunately, left the swimming pool industry to pursue another career, but the other winner, George Love from Aquafayre, and he was invited to receive a replica of the Gartside Cup.
The Jim Johnson Filtration Shield may be awarded for an excellent Filtration exam paper but the winner was unfortunately not present and so it is hoped that this award will be sprung on the winner as a surprise at a future time.
The John Asher Cup may be presented to a student who presents an excellent exam paper in the subject of Construction and the winner for 2019 was Benoit Berbain, from Guncast Swimming Pools, who was present to receive his award.