Unfortunately, due to the uncertainty around the restrictions currently in place and that may be in place, it will not be possible for us to hold the ISPE Student Exams in March 2021, as planned As many students will be busy with work after March, we are postponing the exams to September or even October 2021, and more details will be announced as time goes on. This will also apply to those students waiting to re-sit even single subjects. Obviously this is regrettable and ISPE apologise for the inconvenience as this is the first time we have had to postpone the March exams but we do not think many students will want to be in a room with maybe 40-50 others in March (even if this were allowed by then) with whatever Covid-secure measures could be included.
At the ISPE 2020 AGM, Will Dando, FISPE, was elected to serve on the ISPE Council of Management. Will is known to most of the pool industry having worked at Plastica Ltd., for over thirty years. Will has given numerous technical presentations at ISPE Seminars and as part of the ISPE technical programme at SPATEX events for many years.
Members of the ISPE Council congratulated Will on his appointment and look forward to working with him in the months and years to come, In the meantime, past-papers will be supplied on request, various ‘model answers’ appear in the ISPE magazines to be found on the ISPE website (www.ispe.co.uk), particularly the June issues, and all students will be invited to attend an on-line revision/Back-to-Basics Seminar later in the year (more details to follow).
The ISPE has endorsed the Pool Plant Operator Training provided by a few select ISPE Members and their companies for a number of years now, John Mannion, MISPE, and David Lowe, MISPE of Flowman Leisure Ltd. and Colin Jenkinson, MISPE of Leisure Safety Training. For 2021, we are delighted to announce that two more ISPE Members will be delivering ISPE- Endorsed training: Julian Mills, MISPE (Ultimate Generation Ltd.) and Geoff Stafford, MISPE (GS Pool Consultancy & Training). Full details of the courses Geoff and Julian are able to offer are available from the ISPE office.
Geoff Stafford – 07985 745804 geoff.stafford@outlook.com
Julian Mills 07367 658500 07484 122907 j.mills@relax-zone.co.uk www.uglimited.co.uk
Flowman Leisure Ltd www.flowmanleisure.co.uk
Leisure Safety Training Ltd www.leisuresafetytraining.com
The Institute of Swimming Pool Engineers was established in 1978 for individual members and sets out to:
• Give recognition to technical skill and ability.
• Foster a professional approach to the design, installation and maintenance of swimming pools, enclosures and all ancillary equipment.
• Engage in the education and training of persons within all sectors of the swimming pool industry
• Promote unrestricted co-operation and liaison between all persons actively involved in the industry and its allied professions and trades
• Engage in the education and training of persons within all sectors of the swimming pool industry.
• Provide opportunities for association and interchange of thought and experience amongst the members and their colleagues.
ISPE PO Box 3083, Norwich NR6 7YL 01603 499959 /
ross@ispe.co.uk www.ispe.co.uk