The 2021 PWTAG Virtual Conference will take place on Wednesday March 3rd and will focus on sharing experience
and knowledge in the Covid-19 era. The conference theme will revolve around the one issue that has dominated our lives for the past year. And that applies to pools and spas of course. The open and close goalposts continue to move. Either way we must be prepared; we need to learn the lessons of the last year and be ready to face the challenges of the next few years. That’s what PWTAG’s virtual conference is about. Our online technical notes cover a lot of the ground, but on Wednesday March 3rd an international cast of experts will present on many aspects of the Covid-19 threat. And there will be opportunity for questions, answers and discussion. The all-day conference will be of value to pool operators and managers, environmental health officers, public health practitioners, aquatic physiotherapists, scientists and policymakers. Find out how they’re facing the challenge in the US, Italy, Netherlands, Greece and Germany. The conference will be hosted live, the presentations recorded in advance. In the afternoon there will be ample opportunity for delegates to share their experiences and interact with the speakers and each other in four parallel breakout sessions:
• Public health risk assessment
• Management and use of pool chemicals
• Cleaning and disinfection of the environment, equipment and surfaces
• Ventilation
The conference will finish with a plenary session where delegates can ask questions of the speakers and PWTAG council members. Recordings of presentations and discussion sessions will be available to delegates online after the meeting
- Michele Hlavsa, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Georgia Covid-19 and Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC)
- Richard Falk, MAHC Committee Risk of illness in stabilised chlorine pools
- Vincenzo Romana Spica, University of Rome Is it safe to swim in the time of Covid-19?
- Regina Sommer, Medical University of Vienna Does Covid-19 demand changes in disinfection?
- Susanne Lee, Leegionella Ltd Water management plans
- Jan Bakker, University of Amsterdam The Dutch approach to Covid-19 – health monitoring
- Sarah Wratten Aquatic Therapy Association of Chartered Physiotherapists Operating hydrotherapy pools despite Covid-19
- Christiane Höller, Bavarian Food & Health Authority Pools and spas in Bavaria during the pandemic
- Emanuele Ferretti and Lucia Bonadonna, Rome National Institute of Health National guidelines on Covid-19
- Athena Mavridou, University of West Attica, Greece Manager feedback on Covid-19 regulations
- Maarten Keuten, Delft University of Technology Aerosol research
- Tomas Neeson and Kevin Hannah, Cundall consulting engineers Pool ventilation – balancing nett zero and Covid-19
- Tom Devin, Devin Consulting Water treatment design for Covid-19 and beyond
The UK’s authoritative guidance on swimming pools and spas:
Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group