Bubble Shooters

As HotSpring World’s preferred supplier, Hot Tub Assist (HTA) is the largest hot tub service and repair company in the UK with a team of technicians, all factory-trained in California who receive ongoing training to keep pace with every HotSpring Spas innovation.
As HotSpring World’s preferred supplier, Hot Tub Assist (HTA) is the largest hot tub service and repair company in the UK with a team of technicians, all factory-trained in California who receive ongoing training to keep pace with every HotSpring Spas innovation.

As natural wear and tear occurs on thousands of spas and hot tub installed in the UK and Northern Europe, a new market for spares and repairs is bubbling over. Internet-led, the spa spares and repairs trade is offering a much welcome source of sales to a hot tub market that has had to battle through a harsh economic climate. A major source of added-value income for the water leisure industry, specialist companies are springing up to both  source and supply spa parts as well as to service, maintain and upgrade. “A whole sector has evolved around spa maintenance as companies have been set up solely to supply the incredible range of accessories and spare components needed to maintain and, in some instances upgrade original parts,” remarks Dominic Adams of  Golden Coast.

“The market is quite robust, supported by the upkeep of and innovative accessories for existing spas and  purchase of new wet leisure products.” Golden Coast offers a comprehensive range of pool and spa
accessories and some spare components. Accessories and new product innovations are a key product group to help establish great customer relations, helping spa owners get the most out of their experience, by introducing relevant products and services.
Adams again: “The industry must provide excellence in supporting spa owners, from the outset in  helping them make initial choices about what products and services to buy to professional after
sales support.
“Existing owners that talk confidently and happily about after sales service obviously value their relationship with their provider. “Consumer satisfaction and recommendations will give potential pool/spa owners more confidence in making their purchase and boost sales,” he adds. “It’s a win-win situation, especially with consumer’s ability to
research their purchases and canvas opinion like never before, using the internet and social media,” he says. The spare and repairs market requires effort in maintaining your relationship with your customers, but understanding them and knowing what would suit them will reap rewards in terms of repeat business and new business from strong recommendations. Make sure your promotions and offers are both targeted and timely.

Spa repairs offer a major source of added-value income for the water leisure industry

“A properly maintained customer database is essential,” says Adams. “Make sure it is accurate, current and use it to communicate with your customers about your services to help keep their investment in top condition. “Well targeted communication about new product and service innovations will help boost any business. Show you care by advising them of products to enhance their pool/spa, make looking after it easier or even simply make it more fun! “Also measure results to ensure you know what  works and what doesn’t. Trade suppliers, having a wider industry overview, may also have some ideas to help you with your marketing and sales initiatives so involve them.

Spa Euro not only supply spa components they also run training seminars throughout the year with nearly 50% of attendees travelling from outside of the UK from countries throughout Scandanavia, Holland and Belgium. “The spa trade has learned to be more flexible,” says Spa Euro’s Ray Desmond. “If you were a car garage that said I only repair Ford, you will go hungry now. “In the early days when spas were brought in to Europe, the owner of the spa company had his own technician trained at the factory to look after that stock. “These days we have multiple brand engineers who need to be constantly educated and re-educated in a huge variety of brands and components. Our most successful customers are the ones going out hunting for work.”
Spa Euro has produced documents such as spa service checklists to support its trade clients. “We want our technicians to get to know their customers and the type of spas they own so that when Mrs Murphy rings up,they are in a position to identify and solve faults more efficiently,”  says Desmond. “We also want them to maximise the potential of their business by add on sales such as spa accessories that can maximise the potential earn from any visit.”

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