DAVID ADAMS, the founder of Golden Coast back in the Seventies, has died.

As we were going to print, Pool & Spa SCENE heard of the sad loss of an industry great. David Adams, who died on January 4th, had the vision to start the Devon-based Golden Coast business back in the Seventies. Earning himself a reputation as a formidable personality in the industry, David retired from the business in 2006.

He handed over the Managing Director reins to his son Jamie Adams with Jamie’s brothers Shaun and Dominic taking responsibility for specific product lines. “45 years ago, Dad and I built the pool that built Golden Coast,” Jamie shared via Linked In.

“We built it because my two brothers and I loved swimming and we built it so that we could lark about and have fun.” Jamie fondly remembered: “Innovative and creative even then, that first pool had a DIY solar heating system made from black Alkathene pipe rolled up like a giant liquorice coil on the roof of the plant room.

Before long we were building pools for our friends and neighbours.” Golden Coast became part of a bigger family business when it was acquired by PPG in 2022, but maintained its identity, continuing to trade as Golden Coast. All at Waterland Media pass on our condolences and best wishes to David’s loving family including the Golden Coast team.