SIMON WARD, left, and Adam Pringle, collected a hat-trick of Gold Standard awards for Poolstar’s Poolex products at the recent UK Pool & Spa Awards.

Despite a challenging backdrop of rising costs and suppressed spending, AES continues to not only hit but also exceed both its sales and growth targets year-on-year. The company’s top performers continue to be pool heat pumps and, in the second half of the year, the new range of Poolex spa heat pumps attracted a growing following.

In addition to their main office and warehouse in Suffolk, AES last year added a new Kent office and warehouse, which is now up-and-running and the team has settled well into their new surroundings. “AES continued to grow its servicing throughout 2024, adding new pump engineers to cover East Anglia and the Midlands in the fourth quarter, “confirms Managing Director, Simon Ward.

Simon and his UK Sales Manager, Adam Pringle, attended November’s Global Piscine show in Lyon, where they signed an agreement to become the new UK distribution partner for Poolstar products. Since its creation in 2006, Poolstar, based in Rousset in France, has continuously grown and now has over 100 employees in France and around the world.

“Poolstar is all about innovation and now has 11 brands covering pool, spa and wellness, has received four international innovation awards and has developed four proprietary technologies,” explains Simon. “On the back of AES’s new partnership with Poolstar, we will be bringing a range of brand new and innovative pool, spa and wellness products to the UK market over the course of 2025,” he confirms.

First up are the new Poolex JetPRO and JetMAX which offer a new benchmark in horizontal heat pumps, combining optimal performance, cutting-edge technology, superior quality, and eco-friendly commitment. Other pool products in the pipeline include the all-new Variline variable speed pump which reduces energy consumption by automatically adjusting its flow rate according to pool’s needs and now includes smart connectivity.

“Look out for the Poolex Aqualyser that is set to become a game-changer in water treatment management, making clean and healthy pool water simple, efficient and connected,” encourages Simon. “We will also be importing the good-looking new range of Poolex wooden saunas. Simon and Adam attended the UK Pool & Spa Awards 2024 that saw AES accept three Gold Standards on behalf of Poolstar:
• Energy Efficient / ECO Award for the Poolex Jet Pro heat Pump
• Spa Product of the Year Award for the Poolex SPAWER Ice Spa heat pump
• Pool Product of the Year category for the Poolex Aqualyser

AES will be at SPATEX on the Poolstar C57 stand where they will be hoping to meet many UK pool and spa dealers to introduce them to the exciting and innovative new range of Poolex products. Contact Adam to pre-book SPATEX appointments to learn more about the Poolstar range in person.

Tel. 01284 658770