Look out for copies of Pool & Spa Scene at the hotly anticipated Piscine Splash! Asia trade show in Singapore from 20 – 21 May.
Leading pool and spa retailers and suppliers from around the world will gather at the Marina Bay Sands resort to showcase the latest industry innovations and present their products and services to an audience of more than 1,500 visitors.
More than 60 companies from 13 countries will be exhibiting, including market leaders Pentair, Fluidra Singapore, Procopi, Haywards Industries, Maytronics, Teamhorner and Waterco.
Robert De Martini, general manager at Hayward commented: “Southeast Asia has seen tremendous growth over the past decade with the region having an average growth rate in GDP of more than 5 per cent per year.
“As the collective Southeast Asia economy has grown at a rapid pace, so has the demand for luxury and leisure items including swimming pool ownership. In addition, leisure travel and recreation, both in and to the region, has stimulated the growth in pool construction like never before.
Hugh D Smith, director of Aquatic Systems APAC (Asia – Pacific) added: “We are truly looking forward to being one of the key sponsors for the Piscine Splash! Asia Show in 2015. The Southeast Asia market is a key to our growth and now that we have strengthened our presence in the region, we are looking forward to inviting our partners – new and old to come and share in this great event.”
To assist visitors with planning their day at the show, buyers can now plan their route between exhibitors, using a new feature on the website, allowing for a seamless visitor experience.
For more information and details of the full exhibitor list visit www.piscinesplashasia.com