THE VIDEO SHOTS were filmed in the Niveko indoor and outdoor showrooms, mostly via a drone.

Niveko invests in video marketing…

One-piece pool champions, Niveko, has always strived to take the fresh approach, to stand out from the competition and to make an impression with an unexpected idea.
The company proudly boasts that its pools offer outstanding configuration potential and are available in various types, making them unique in the field.
This corporate philosophy has also been followed by the Niveko marketing department in making the new company video that is now available on You Tube.
The key aim of the video is for Niveko partners to easily use this video as a marketing tool when selling a pool – simply run the video for the customer and the differences between the individual types are beautifully clear, with no complicated explanation needed.

WITH GREAT ATTENTION to detail, Niveko has released a new promotional video that aims to offer a vital sales tool.
WITH GREAT ATTENTION to detail, Niveko has released a new promotional video that aims to offer a vital sales tool.

The team deliberated on the right theme for the video with the aim to focus thoroughly on each different pool available through the brand.
Presenting the characteristics of each individual type, describing what makes that type different from the others, and explaining the main benefits and reasons for buying one – the production and marketing teams summed all this up in a few, well thought through sentences.
The next stage was to work on the 3D animations, which provide a detailed look at how Niveko’s overflow and skimmer pools are constructed.
The actual shots were filmed in the Niveko indoor and outdoor showrooms, as well as during installation at the final customer’s site.
The scenes showing demo pools were primarily shot by a drone, which is evident in how smooth they are and the perfect camera angles.
All that intensive communication paid off, as the vision became a reality and the resulting video fully lives up to our original plan – to create something unique.

Please see the video here:
