DESPITE OFFERING USER APPEAL, the EVAstream operates on a single-phase supply.
DESPITE OFFERING USER APPEAL, the EVAstream operates on a .

When it comes to improving a pool, the performance-enhancing EVAstream counter-current unit delivers a powerful jet of water to swim against to help build strength and conditioning. The unit is available from Golden Coast as a recessed model for new pool builds, or as a compact and lightweight surface-mounted model for retrofitting onto existing pools.

EVAstream is available in three variations: EVAstream Fit, Pro and Max, with each unit catering to varied levels of swimming experience and requirements. “Swimming pool builds are on the up and customers realise that you do not need to have a huge pool in order to get the best swimming experience,” says Adam Clark, General Manager at Golden Coast.

“With the introduction of a good quality counter-current unit customers can swim for hours on end in the comfort of their own home. “They key thing with counter-current units is not to underestimate a client’s swimming ability,” says Adam “As a distributor we hear many stories of customers’ disappointment when they realise how easy it is to swim through the flow of the model they chose to have installed.

At Golden Coast we provide a range of counter-current units that offer flows of 54m3 through to 450m3, so we take the time to qualify the owner and their family to ensure we can provide the best counter-current unit suited for all their needs.” Extensively tested to ensure it meets the most stringent safety standards, impressively, the EVAstream operates on a single-phase supply.

The unit produces a flow rate of up to 8.5m/s (350m3/h ) that can also be adjusted between 10% and 100%, so EVAstream can also be used for lower-level activity such as rehabilitation, or just to aid relaxation when unwinding in the pool.

Golden Coast
Tel. 01271 378100