HOME HEALTH investment warms home sauna sales.

There’s never been a better time for customers to embrace their inner Scandinavian as the wellness trend continues to boost sales. Existing pool and spa owners are prime targets for a well-priced sauna to add to their home health investment. Available in three different sizes, SCP’s ‘Kuusi’ sauna fits into almost any garden and is priced around the £7,000 mark.

‘Kuusi’ means spruce in Finnish and refers to the type of wood from which the new sauna barrel is made. Optionally, one variation offers a small terrace with seating, to enjoy and rest. If your customer likes more daylight in your cabin, you can choose from two different window elements to let the sunshine in.

The new ‘Kaski’ barrel sauna offers the cosy atmosphere of a barrel combined with the option of a view. The barrel sauna is available in two different glazing options, half-glass or full-glass, and three different sizes. The dark Thermo-Pine wood harmonises perfectly with the lime interior and gives the whole barrel a stylish touch.

SCP’S BARREL saunas fit into almost any garden space.

Thermally modified wood is a natural, non-toxic alternative to chemically treated wood products for the home. Unlike pressure-treated timber, thermally modified wood undergoes a thermal modification process. The wood is essentially ‘cooked’ in oxygen-free ovens at temperatures over 180-230 degrees.

The thermal modification process changes the cellular and molecular makeup of wood by removing all organic compounds from the wood cells. So, wood products will no longer be able to absorb water. In turn, this reduces the wood’s ability to expand or contract, which is one of the leading causes of water absorption and rot in outdoor uses.

This lack of moisture content in the wood means that the wood’s cellulose will no longer act as a “food source” for fungi or insects. In essence, the cooking of the wood with high heat creates a naturally durable wood product that will, in theory, be permanently resistant to water, fungus, insects, and decay.

From an aesthetic standpoint, thermally modified wood offers some unique benefits and characteristics. The process of treating the wood at a high temperature gives it a natural deep brown hue. This beautiful colour negates the need for chemical varnishes or stains and ongoing maintenance.

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