ISPE PRESIDENT, Jimmy Lamb, gave two presentations at the 131st ISPE Seminar.

ISPE President Jimmy Lamb, FISPE, welcomed around 35 delegates to the 131st ISPE Seminar, held in late March, at the Hatfield Comet Hotel. Jimmy gave a presentation comparing different types of pools, including commercial, domestic and spas, and looked at the standards that applied to each of them.

Later in the day, Jimmy returned to talk about pipe sizing, flow dynamics and head losses. Steve Nelson, TnISPE(Cert.), discussed flow fittings and fitting velocities, including main drains, skimmers, and inlets. Clive Morton, from Wrightfield Pools, gave a commercial sponsored presentation on moveable floors, where one of the primary benefits is adaptability, as the pool floor can be adjusted to different depths, catering to various activities and user preference.

Chris Carr, FISPE and Will Dando, FISPE, talked about how to decide on the correct pump for an application in terms of servicing and maintenance issues. The next ISPE Seminar, the 132nd, will be held on Wednesday October 23rd at a venue to be decided. There are plans are to include: plantroom planning, design and layout, filtration, chemistry, disinfection and secondary disinfection, preventative maintenance of the plant, including valet cleaning, and automatic dosing and control.

For details of ISPE membership, how to join the Institute, the ISPE Home Study Course, workshops and seminars, please ask for an information pack.

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