Chris Carr, along with Philip Barlow, and Kim Mumford, MISPE, presented the latest ISPE Filtration Workshop that was kindly hosted by Plastipack Ltd in St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex.
This workshop gives guidance in all aspects of sizing filters and pumps for installations and includes practical hands-on sessions for delegates to strip down and re-build pumps and filters.
It is hoped that the next ISPE Filtration Workshop will be held in November this year and the next ISPE Revision/Back-to-Basics Seminar will be held in February 2023, but do register your interest now by emailing the ISPE office ( and you will be contacted once dates and venues are confirmed.
Following the Revision Seminar, around 50 students sat the ISPE Exams in March this year and papers are currently being marked.