A PREVIOUS FILTRATION WORKSHOP was held at Plastipack premises in East Sussex.

A busy autumn and winter schedule gets underway with a Swimming Pool Construction themed one-day ISPE seminar in Cobham, Surrey, on Thursday 12th October. Programmes are available from the Diary Dates section of the ISPE website and all ISPE members and non-members are welcome to attend, although places MUST be pre-booked.

All delegates receive a certificate of attendance indicating 4 CPD points. Ian Betts, FISPE, will open the event, looking at the initial conversation with the client regarding the detailed requirements, and outlining the options available. This will include what should be looked at when visiting and surveying the site, including access, available services and determining the water table, etc.

The seminar will look at some of the many options when it comes to the types of pool and their construction methods and Jon Herbert, MISPE, will look at Block and Liner Pools. Alex Kemsley, MISPE, will talk about site requirements and the installation of one-piece pools and then Ian Betts will return to explain the differences between wet and dry mix for sprayed concrete and look at the specification for rendering, tanking and the application of tiling.

After lunch, the ISPE 2023 awards will be presented, including the Gartside Cup for the Student of the Year and the Jim Johnson Filtration Shield for the best exam paper on the subject of Filtration.

There will also be one or two surprise awards. Following the presentations, John Whiteside will provide a construction guide for understanding panel pool systems and then John Cheek, FISPE, will look at the commissioning of the pool, and handover to the client, including all the signed paperwork, pipework pressure test results, watertightness test result and Operation and Maintenance Manuals.

There will be ample opportunity for questions and answers and discussion amongst the delegates before ISPE President Jimmy Lamb, FISPE, closes the seminar around 4.15pm. The 130th ISPE Seminar will be on the topic of Pool and Spa Finishes on Tuesday 21st November at a venue to be confirmed.

Details are still being planned but it is hoped that Philip Barlow, FISPE, will give an in-depth case study of fitting a liner to a pool. Will Dando, FISPE, will look at on-site lining and Jimmy Lamb, FISPE, and Colin Day, FISPE, will together look at the chemical effects on liners.

It is hoped that other presentations will look at stainless steel, tiling and possible adhesives. There are also plans to look at acrylic spas and overcoming problems of de-lamination. For more details, please contact the ISPE office. A final date for industry diaries is the next ISPE Filtration Workshop will be held on Tuesday 14th November, 2023 at Plastipack’s premises in St. Leonards-on Sea, East Sussex, by kind permission of Peter Adlington, FISPE.

The Institute of Swimming Pool Engineers was established in 1978 for individual members and sets out to Give recognition to technical skill and ability.

PO Box 3083,
Norwich NR6 7YL
01603 499959 / ross@ispe.co.uk